Kia Orana,
My daughter has been attending Pride Lands for roughly three years. She regularly attends Before School Care, occasionally After School Care and regularly attends Holiday Programs and Sleep Overs.
I thoroughly appreciate the genuine care and respect that Moses and his team show the children, the encouragement they give and their wonderful engagement of including everyone.
Pride Lands is a blessing for the numerous extras they provide: the pickups from home and school, the drop offs to home at the end of the day and the exploration of various adventures they attend. Not allowing electronic devices is a Win, as the children engage and focus more on tasks, learning and engaging with each other.
My daughter’s palate has been enhanced with meals from around the globe and the beautiful cultural days are a wonderful unique experience that I am grateful she is having.
My daughter has grown and learnt so much by the teachings, built new friendships with children that do not attend her school.
The team at Pride Lands have become a wonderful addition to our family that I will forever be Thankful for.
Ina Smith