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Excellence. Respect. Confidence. Pride Lands is an exceptional programme that works to nurture our beloved tamariki, teaching them to pursue excellence with utmost respect and firm confidence. Through Moses’s innovative activities and Geneva’s hearty kai, the children’s wellbeing and ability to perform at their peak are greatly supported. Having previously worked with the Pride for two years, I can attest to the genuine passion and warm hearts behind Pride Lands, and the hard mahi that goes into ensuring the children are cared for at the highest level. The social development that exists at Pride Lands, is what positions the programme at the forefront of Aotearoa’s childcare sector. The bond shared between staff and child is genuine, and the team are greatly supportive and kind. This personal development is not exclusive to children, but also for staff. Throughout my work, I’ve seen my own personal growth and confidence progress alongside the children. I can wholeheartedly recommend Pride Lands – there are great memories to be made and nourishing food to be eaten! (Geneva’s cooking is something I dearly miss in my new role).