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Anita – The Pride Lands Deisgner

Hey guys! My name is Anita Cecilio, I am non binary (I accept all pronouns, he/she/they) and I’m from Brazil!

Fun fact: I have worked with Moses for a few years now, I’m Pride Lands graphic designer and I am also a kids books Illustrator. (I have recently released my own kids book called “Cora, the sock with a hole” and work for publishing houses illustrating other people’s books.)

So! When I first heard about help 100 I thought it was a brilliant idea (still do). Help 100 helps kids (4-17yo) in need to have the opportunity of being a part of the Pride Lands childcare programme. It gives kids an opportunity to succeed, learn new things and get out of their comfort zones.

It teaches them to be able to deal with their emotions, to trust themselves, to explore, and to get things wrong but be able to learn from it without the feeling of shame attached to it.

And I don’t know about you, but as a kid I would have loved a chance to learn all of this and be a good well balanced human. But that didn’t happen for me, so now I gotta learn all of that on my own with real responsibilities at stake.

So if someone has a chance to have a better way to get through life and its many many complications, I’m all for it. People deserve better chances to succeed and I believe they will with Pride Lands guidance.
