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The Magic of Childhood

18 months ago, I was driving down the road and pulled up next to a Pride Lands van at the traffic lights. What initially was just an answer to our current problem quickly became a new part of our family and continues as a fun, happy and constant learning environment for our daughter.

Being a family not originally from New Zealand with no other family around us and jobs that regularly start well before school, we were troubled with what we would do when our daughter finally turned 5. Pride Lands started as that solution but quickly became more.

Marianne Pride Lands Childcare

From the first day we called in to say hello we were welcomed by Moses and all the staff with wide grins and loud laughs. When Emma, who initially hid behind me was quickly dragged away by one of the other kids to play, and then refused to leave, we knew we had found the right place.

Since then Emma has spent the majority of mornings pre-school having breakfast, doing her morning fitness and being chauffeur driven to school. Being an only child, she has also had the benefit of experiencing a family breakfast, learning new skills like how to get her own breakfast, helping cooking breakfast, and clearing away, as well as learning patience and having to wait for what she wants.

Emma has also been on the school holiday program bringing along other school friends as well. Again, these have not only been a practical solution when we have to work long days, but more importantly fun, crazy, insane days filled with fun, games, laughter and friends.

I would (and regularly have) recommended the Pride Lands team to anyone looking for a reliable, safe, and fun environment childcare solution for any family.
