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Working at Pride Lands is more than just a job.

I always felt unsure about what my career or future was going to look like. When I moved to Wellington in early 2023, I thought of what jobs I might apply for and possibly get. The list of things was pretty much made up of jobs I thought would make me “successful”.

I then stumbled across a pride lands youth mentor role. When I showed up for the interview at Pride lands, I knew instantly this is where I want to be.

Growing up, it felt hard to make mistakes, a pressure to live up to expectations, fit in, understanding myself and all the repercussions I feared my actions might lead to. At pride lands I feel those mistakes, differences, fears, anxieties are embraced and not looked down upon to create confident unique people.

I never really thought of the workplace being somewhere you look forward to going every day, where it’s fun, happy, challenging, supportive, however these are key aspects of why I love being a part of Pride Lands.

I love being in this Pride Lands community, all of us ready to listen and take advice from each other. We are family, a community and we offer unconditional support for everyone, we always stick around.

This year we are working under the premise of ‘In Loco Parentis’: Latin for: Done in place of a parent. I can’t wait for this year, and the amazing things our cubs will achieve, learn, and experience.

Our young people are the future and I feel grateful beyond words how lucky I am to have my role supporting our cubs through their life, the lessons they teach me on the daily, and the experiences we all make here at Pride Lands.

Little did I know when I accepted my job at Pride Lands 8 months ago I would be a part of this second family, learning more about myself every day, and what all our and all young people must teach us.
